Monday, November 22, 2010

Get Your Man Back - Tips to Bring Back Your Ex-Boyfriend

There was always a part of you that feared that he might one day get away from you and it seems like that day has come. When you think about him, all you can feel is that he should be with you, that the two of you should not be apart. That's a terrible thing to have to feel, and it happens all of the time when a woman breaks up with her boyfriend. If you don't want to feel that way anymore, if you want to get your boyfriend back... there IS a way.

Before w discuss how to get your boyfriend back, there are some things that you need to know. One of which is, you will not get him back, at least not in the way that you want, until you are really over the initial breakup. If you continue to harbor a lot of bad feelings about what happened with your boyfriend, then there is a good chance that it will come out in a way that drives him to find someone else.

Here's what you need to do to get your boyfriend back where he belongs:

1. Start off by being a little friendly and flirty with him.

You don't want to have him immediately realize that you are trying to win him back, because if you do that, then he will probably find a way to avoid you or there is also the chance that he will play with your emotions just to keep you as the fallback option if he cannot find someone else. Trust me, you do not want to end up being his fallback girl.

2. Make him see that there are other men that desire you.

It's not going to be a turn off to him if he sees that other men seem to have an interest in you. It will be a turn off if it seems like there are no other guys that want you and you are just waiting around for him to come back to you. Don't be afraid to let him know that you can get other guys and that they are interested in you.

3. Play with his mind a little by playing hard to get.

Once you have already been both flirty and friendly with him and you have let him see that other men do desire you, he's going to kind of wonder what is going on. This is the perfect time for you to play a little hard to get so that you increase that excitement and curiosity of him wondering exactly what it is that you feel about him.

View the original article here

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